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Page history last edited by SocialButterfly 16 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the Changebloggers Wiki!


This is a real wiki!  Please create pages, invite others to use the wiki, and enjoy these resources.

To access the wiki, type in: changeblogger@gmail.com with the password 'change.'


This wiki and Changeblogger movement is in its beginning stages, so the more who want to grab the reins, the better. For starters:


The "Changebloggers 411" is a page that lists all changebloggers, their Twitter names, and their location.

The "Meetups and More" page is a place for changebloggers to meetup, turning online into offline.

The "Changeblogger Meme" helps us track who all has participated in the meme began by Qui Diaz.


Changes on the Move:

(Share the permalink if you create a post or article highlighting the Changeblogger movement.)


  1. For the original Changebloggers article: Read Britt Bravo's post here.
  2. Join the Changebloggers Facebook group to connect online.
  3. Join the Changebloggers Network on NING to connect online.
  4. Participate in the Changeblogger meme. (and add your permalink to the Changeblogger Meme page)
  5. Go to the 1st D.C. Changemakers/Changebloggers Meetup 
  6. Follow @changeblogs on Twitter. Co-created by Joe Soloman and Alex Rampy, aka SocialButterfly
  7. Use the hastag: #changeblogger


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